Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What is your favourite and least favourite Christmas song?

My favourite Christmas song would have to be The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping, fantasticly written song.

And if there is one Christmas song I absolutely HATE, it would have to be Lady Gaga - Christmas Tree.

What about you?|||I really like "Sleigh Ride" by The Boston Pops. That song always gets me in the Christmas spirit.鈥?/a>

Any holiday song by Burl Ives is great to listen to during the holiday season, as well. "Holly Jolly Christmas" is my favourite from him!鈥?/a>

I agree with you on your least favourite - I don't even think that song should COUNT as a Christmas song... it's terrible. Another one I'm not too fond of is "I Saw Three Ships".... hm.鈥?/a>

Have a nice day. :-)|||Well I completely agree with you about hating that Lady Gaga song--if there is one person in the world who knows how to desecrate the most sacred holiday known to man, it is Lady Gaga. She is completely shameless. However, I also really dislike that "Christmas Shoes" is just way too maudlin and depressing...besides, I think a person on death's door has bigger priorities than getting a new pair of shoes. But I digress.

My favourite Christmas song would be a tie between Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" and Judy Garland's "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", and Nat King Cole's "The Christmas Song" would be a close second. All three are wonderful songs, but "White Christmas" is truly one of the greatest songs (if not THE greatest song ever written), and Crosby's version remains the best-selling single of all-time.|||My favourite is "I Believe in Father Christmas" by Greg Lake - though it's a hard choice. I love so many.

My least favourite? I heard a few on the weekend that were awful - Winter Wonderland by Neil Diamond was a particular disaster. Oh - and anything by singing dogs or cats -- unbelievably bad.|||My favorite is: Grandma got ran over by a reindeer.

Least favorite is Silent Night when it is sung by people who cannot carry a tune and they butcher it! :-)|||Best .. "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas" .. you just can't stop yourself singing along .. and it's also on of my favourite Christmas films too.

Worst .. "Do they know it's Christmas" .. Yes .. I know it's a Charity record .. and raised a lot of money (which is good) .. but it's .. just .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!|||"O Holy Night", is my favorite, and"grandma got run over by a reindeer", is my least favorite.|||my fav xmas song is "i saw a maiden" my worst any i cant sing. ha ha ha

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