Friday, September 16, 2011

What would you/do you spend on christmas for two children?

What is the average amount that is spent on christmas for two children? What do you normally spend for two children?

Thanks!|||I don't really remember how much we spent, honestly...I don't think amount is really key, I think it's sort of ratio. We tried to get them each a few peices of clothing,a pair of shoes, something for fun, each a book, and then one really special gift.|||I don't have two kids, but I do have a daughter and several other family members to spend on for Christmas. I want my daughter to enjoy Christmas, but I don't go over board on it like a lot of people do. I want to be spend more on her birthday than Christmas, because most children get tons of things at Christmas from family and friends, besides their parents. So, to answer your question, a normal about to spend on two kids (if you can afford it is $150 to $200, but if you can't then $100 is just great. If you are tight on money you can sure hit up the sales during the holidays and ever lay a way.|||i dont have an average, some years are financially better then others so it differs year to year. we try to buy the kids one big girt per year and then several smaller ones, and then we fill a big stocking full of trinkets and a few candies etc. dont worry yourself over the total price,just do what you can afford.

i have an 11 year old girl and a 2 year old boy.

kids wont count how much you spend, just make sure when they count the gifts...and they will! lol..that they have the same amount to open.|||We roughly spend the same amount as you. I'm like you and like to shop now bc this is the time the products are available and you can usually get them on sale. My kids are usually consistent with what they are into all year round so Xmas comes, the list is exactly wat I expected and what i shopped for.|||My kids are young (son is 2.5 years and daughter is almost 6 months), so I am not going to get anything too big. I'll probably spend ~ $100 each on toys and pj's. I mean, they have everything they need and so many toys from their Nana. I really want my kids to appreciate what they have and not just get everything they want. It will be more fun playing with them, seeing family, and celebrating Christmas for what it really is...the birth of Jesus.

I must admit, though, I am really excited for "Santa" to come for my toddler. This will be the first year that he really gets it. So excited! Can't wait to get out his "elf on the shelf"!

I don't think there is a correct answer on the right amount to spend. It depends on how much you are comfortable with and what you want. Good luck and Merry Christmas!|||my son is going to be 5 and i spend around 300 for him. i guess it depends on the age...with 300 I can get a whole lot of stuff for him. I would assume if he were older I would spend around the same, but i would probably get him ONE or two expensive gifts.

can I ask y? It's only July....|||We spent a little over 500 for 3 toddlers last Christmas. It all depends on your income. There's really no such thing as too much or too little. I'm about to start Christmas shopping now, as I'm expecting a babby in November and I won't have any time then.

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