Friday, September 23, 2011

What's the best way to guess what your Christmas presents are?

I'm home from college for Christmas and my parents surprised me with a bunch of presents under the tree, but I have to wait until Christmas to open them. Besides shaking boxes when no one is around, does anyone have any other techniques to see behind wrapping paper (using a flashlight, other stuff, etc.)? And no I will not wait like a good boy.|||Cut the tape on one side of the box (or just 1 piece of tape). Then carefully (without ripping the paper) unfold the paper. Then when your done looking fold the paper back and tape it back. Or just look in your mom's purse at the receipts when she leaves her purse out.|||not guess and wait... dont spoil a surpise|||ive done this before, unwrap the presents on one side like look at the end of the box or whatever it may be, then tape it back up and it looks like u never touched it!|||haha i use to do this, ok well when your parents leave then

unwrap the present NEATLY! usually only on 1 side, by taking

atleast 1 or 2 peices of tap off, then look at what it is, then wrap it back up

like you never touched it, then place it back where it was|||hahahah thats funny your in college and still do this? I'm a sophomore in college, but i remember doing that up until I was around 15 lol. Sometimes I used to peak behind the wrapping paper, carefully open it then tape it back up. lol

Anyway...don't you wanna be surprised!?

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