Friday, September 16, 2011

How much money should you spend on Christmas presents per child?

I just want to know how much you think you should spend on Christmas presents from "Santa".|||1,800-2,500 is a great price which I got because my family pulls in 500k|||My parents don't even spend close to that maybe $200 for both me and my little sister.And my birthday is near christmas so some times in a year we don't celebrate Christmas.Its sad seeing your friends get all the cool **** after you got a shirt and some shoes.**** christmas and my cheap parents.

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|||My parents usually spend about 200-250 $ per child, there are 3 of us. They usually get us one "big" present that could be something like a camera, cell phone, ipod etc... of course though, if the big present is worth about 200$ you may find yourself short on presents, when this occurs, don't go by price but go fairness, make sure they all get the around the same amount of presents at around the same cost :)|||My parents used to spend as much money as they can afford to on me, my sister, and my brother. The year that they spent the most, it was probably about $800 for me and my younger sister and around $600 for my older brother. On lesser years it was about $250-$300 a kid. We were definitely not rich and did not have alot of money to spend, but my parents purposely put money away all year to save for christmas so they can get us gifts and had barely any money after christmas. The basic rule would be spend what you have to spend, just make sure if they are younger you get around the same amount for each kid because it is harder for them to understand money. I only have one 5 month old son so no matter how much I spend he is not going to care but me and my boyfriend spent around $150-$200 for him. I hope I helped(:|||I have a son who birthday is 1 week after Christmas. I usually spend the same amount on Christmas as I do his birthday. $200/ each, plus the stocking which I accumulate $30, and then with all the tax I usually spend around $250. I only get him 5 presents. but they are worthwhile.|||Well for us it used to be approx. 700-900 a kid, then money got tighter and it went down to 500 a kid, then 200-250 a kid, then parents seperated and now its about 250 per kid from each parent|||Me and my brother usually get about $300 each worth of stuff, we're not rich, but my dad knows how to spend wisely throughout the year. There's a difference between rich and smart with money.|||Make sure you spend around the same amount per child. If you have 1-2 then around 200-300 each. 3-5 around 150. 6+ around 50.|||wow in my family its like 20-40 when we were younger now its like 10$ haha not everyones rich aye lol its the thought that counts, find out want they want but most of all make sure they know how much you love them i think thats most important|||You can spend around 200$ on Christmas present per child.|||there is never too much for love|||I think it's all subjective. If you have it to spend, and you want to lavish things on your children, then spend a great deal. If you don't, then don't. Children don't care about the amount of money spent.

In may family, my husband and I decide approximately how much we are going to spend on each child, and the dollar amounts have to more or less match once the purchasing is complete.

This year Santa spent 4 dollars on one of our girls and 11 on the other. I found a fantastic deal on a gift that should have been 12, but only cost 4. What that means is that Santa will also be bringing one of them a coloring book and crayons for 5 dollars, and we're picking up an additional unexpected gift for the other that costs approximately 10 dollars. Meanwhile, the gifts from mom and dad total to about 15 each. So for two children, we're spending 60 dollars on Christmas presents.

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