Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Is it possible to re-grow christmas trees from snipped branches?

i know that some plants can be regenerated that way, and i was curious if you could do it w/ a christmas tree.|||I haven't tried it so I couldn't tell you for sure, but I would guess no. Trees can be grafted but I don't think they can grow from trimmings in the same way leafy houseplants can.|||I don't believe so. I wish this was possible because it's such a waste. Can always mulch and give back to the earth.|||Possibly, but my guess would be no. And if you could it takes 10 years for a tree to grow to be 6ft tall.... very long process.|||It would be very difficult. I would recommend, buying a little seedlet and nurturing it to be a Christmas tree.|||No.|||This method of propagation is called vegetative propagation or taking cuttings. I don't think you can from the end of season trees when they've been cut for a few weeks, but when you get the tree, you can try. Most trees are cut outside, and you can try rooting cuttings. This site is geared towards geraniums but the cutting info applies to all plants.鈥?/a> Another choice would be to take hardwood cuttings. Try googling hardwood cuttings+evergreens and you will get loads of info. To check if the branches are still alive, gently scratch away the bark and see if there is a green layer. If there is no green layer, the branch is dead. If there is a green layer, it is alive and cutings may possibly work

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