Does anyone have any suggestions for what i can do to salvage it till christmas??
we still have 2 more weeks to go ?|||The number one problem causing Christmas trees to die early and drop their needles is dehydration. When you get your healthy Christmas tree home, set it up immediately and water, or place in a bucket of water leaned against the building until it is set up. Give pre-cut trees and trees that have been cut for a while a fresh cut with a handsaw to open up the trunk so the tree can drink. If you do not have the means to do this at home, ask the seller to give the tree a fresh cut before you leave. Keep the water in your tree鈥檚 base full, checking it daily. Be sure living trees are kept moist as well, and water every day. Once you let the tree鈥檚 water dry up, the tree will begin to lose it鈥檚 ability to drink water.
There have been many tips and tricks for keeping Christmas trees healthy and fresh. Adding sugar to tree water, feeding the tree with ginger ale or mixing the two are said to make a Christmas tree last and hold its needles. Some commercially prepared water additives are available as well.
Place your Christmas tree as far away from heat sources as possible. Not only will they dry out less quickly and last longer, but it is safer, too.鈥?/a>|||I concur. Mythbusters had an episode about this. I can't remember which additive worked the best out of the 10 ones they tried, but I bet watering and just using common sense would definitely work. = )
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|||(Not saying you didn't use common sense)
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|||maby you shouln't have chopped it down stupid its already dead water just keeps it from decaying and stuff. EAT THE TREE
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|||Why do people kill trees in the first place?
Killing trees is contributing to global warming.
There are other ways of having Christmas.
After all " GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD that he gave his only begotten son". Double whammy.
Believe in Christ and destroy Gods World at the same time.
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|||how can u tell ur boyfriend is cheatin on u with a a nathier girl and he is not callin 4 christmas and tell me now thank u
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|||add some sugar to the water and the tree will stay green for a month
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|||鈥?/a> The tree like flowers is trimmed so water %26amp; nutrients can climb the trunk. I filled my stand with pet fresh water! My tree is shedding fewer needles, still smells fresh %26amp; the green has not faded!
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|||Christmas tree farms do not promote global warming. If anything, they help slow it. Thousands of evergreen trees, that would not have ever been planted, are grown every year for Christmas. They are not trees that someone goes to the forest to cut. They are a crop grown, just like corn.
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|||use ice cubes...once or twice a day, add some ice in with your water. I read it in a magazine but I've never tried it myself, I have a fake tree. I hope it works for you!
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|||also, when you first pick your tree, ask them to cut a one inch slit in the bottom of the trunk...this allows the tree to absorb more water...this won't help you for this year but keep it in mind for next year! :)
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|||viagra, bleach or hairspray
Source: Mythbusters
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|||Leave it in the ground to grow. Trees don't belong in Living Rooms.
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|||Drop an aspirin in the water every 2 days...sounds crazy but really worked for me
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|||Real trees sequester carbon and most end up mulched after the season is over. When new trees are grown, they sequester more. Since few trees are burned or otherwise put in a position to release carbon, it's at least a carbon neutral process.
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|||Put Lemon juice in the water with ice the acid from the juice will perk it up awhile longer.
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|||you should provide it with more sunlight|||just add water with suger in it every week thats what i do!|||I use vodka on my tree. No bull, just a cup in the water when you add it.|||first of all. all live trees drop needles. second of all when you buy the tree have the seller trim the bottom with a saw. this will help the tree absorb water.|||buy it a week or two before christmas if you buy it from a parking lot sale, if you actually get it from a tree farm you can buy it 3-4 weeks before christmas and have it last|||Next time don'y buy a tree so far away from Christmas. Once it's cut, it starts to decay like anything else. You can do things to slow the rate of decay (hairspray ala Mythbusters) but you're not going to get it to get any greener.|||Add the same additive they use for flowers to keep them fresh. If you don't have any of that, crush up a couple aspirins (NOT Ibuprofin or any other pain killer) and mix them with the water. Always remember to make a fresh cut on the bottom or the water won't go anywhere. Keep an eye on the water and make sure it doesn't run out.|||Keep it in plenty of water. A big tree will need to be watered every few days. Also put a couple of aspirin in the water.|||i heard put salt water in it!|||The sun@Love
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