I don't know what I would like for christmas and I keep on getting asked. I am 12 years old and I don't know what I would like this year. I love horses the most out of all animals. Please help me out.|||Every teenage girl is very fashion conscious. You will very rarely find any girl who is not concerned about beauty and figure. So beauty products like mud packs, herbal scrubs and different types of cosmetics are the ideal Christmas gifts for teenage girls.
For more studious and quiet teenagers you can get light romantic novels. Sweet Valley High series, Mills and Boons and Sidney Sheldon are some of the popular novels amongst teenagers.
A pet cat or a puppy is also a very innovative Christmas gift ideas for teens. It will save them from feeling lonely when parents are not at home. It will also teach them to be responsible and will also give them company|||so you"re 12, horse cuddly toys are cute , but since your 12 , maybe thats not a good idea.Lego is fun to play with but that has nothing to do with animals.the pimpa funnel ds game is good ,its all about horses ,but maybe you dont have a ds. My best suggestion is rollerblades ,although they have nothing to do with animals its really fun.|||If you love horses ask your parents if you can take horse-back riding lessons. I also love horses, and I've been riding for 4 years and it's SUPER fun!
Maybe you can get a DS and buy Nintendo Dogs, Cat, Horses, etc. There's a lot of animal games for the DS.
Or maybe ask for a pet if you don't have one already.|||At 12, ask for Opportunities, not Stuff!
Ask for lessons (piano, quilting, horse riding, language, sewing, cooking, writing, cheese making, pickling, sculpting, puppetry, etc.),
a trip somewhere (I went to Ghana, Africa when I was 13!),
a promise of special time with each parent (like a shopping trip to Chicago with your Mom or a fancy dinner date with your Dad),
or ask your grandparents to get a nice journal and document some of your family history (before they die and you wish you'd asked).
OR, ask for things to improve your mind:
a magazine subscription,
non-fiction books,
classic literature,
a musical instrument,
international music CDs,
crafting kits,
history channel documentary DVDs,
Make the most of your youth and your Christmases. Stuff breaks, technology becomes obsolete, but skills and memories will last you a lifetime.|||I also have a daughter and she is 11, but she is also a huge animal lover and horses are her favorite as well.... we rent and we can't have horses at this time but she does have a bunny she keeps in her room and she has dogs and cats she cares for as well, for christmas since she does love animals so my family usually get her animal books, games, paint's of horses (she loves the velvet paint's that she can paint her self) and puzzles of animals, her room I swear looks like a jungle of all kinds of animals, she also gets poster books that have lots of sturdy pictures in them to hang on her walls. oh, and she has the DS with all the animal games - she even has a vet one that she can care for the animals - she really likes that particular one!
Good Luck and I hope you have a Merry Christmas!|||If you like showing horses, maybe a new showing outfit! Or if you just love riding, new riding boots and a new riding coat.
If you want an animal for a gift, ask for a gift card to a pet store so you can go and pick out the animal yourself, if you must get one as a present. Otherwise, I suggest saving up yourself for a pet. That way, you value the animal a whole lot more because of how hard you worked to get it.
And horses, a good one, is expensive. usually an upwards of 2 thousand dollars. So be sure your parents are able to deal with that before you ask. And you also have to pay monthly boarding fees.|||Ask for a horse. Tell your parent it.|||horse back riding lessons, a pet.|||Ask for a horse!
or Puppy!
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