Friday, September 23, 2011

What should i get my girlfriend for christmas?

This is my first time going out wit a girl near christmas. I want to get her something special. I thought about gettin her a magic kit or a set of googles. Unless you think I should be more mature and get her a whoopee cushion. Please help me!|||Ahhhh! A magic kit fer suree!

Seriously. I would love a guy forever if he bought me a magic kit. :D

But if not then you could get her earings or something like that. Candy!

How old are you?|||A Whoopee Cushion Definitely!!!

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|||How old are you? 5. You could get anything on the following list. Unless you really are 5. Then go with what you had.



Nail Polish







Stuffed Animals

Hair Accessories


You could also make her something. Make sure it actually looks/smells/tastes/feels/sounds good. If it doesn't, she'll say that it was really sweet of you, but in the back of her head she'll probably be thinking of how pitiful it actually is. So just make sure you put some effort into it if you are making something. Don't throw it together last minute because then it's going to look like 5H1T.|||Everyone likes music, videos, games and books. If you check out the top ten lists for each and pick something you think she will like you are bound to be on a winner. Or have a look at the Prezzy box gift selector on the site below to help you come up with ideas.|||What the hell are those gift ideas lol. Girls like jewelry, sentimental things such as hand-made cards and stuff, and clothes. Unless this magic kit or set of goggles has a sentimental value or is associated with an inside joke, then I would not get her those lol.|||It depends what she likes. If she is into magic a magic kit could be cool. But it all depends on what she likes. You could get her anything from lip-gloss to a book. And uh don't go with the whoopee cushion...|||it depends on how long you've been dating;

i wouldn't go with anything that you have suggested.

go with some type of jwelery and a cute teddy bear.

something cute and totally from the heart|||omg whoopee cuchion reallly!?


Get her something sweeet.

Like a neckless.(jewelry)|||you need help dude don't no female want that get her something nice that resembles y'all relationship it would mean a lot to her|||flowers or chocolate. or write her a poem from the heart. or jewlery, all girls like necklaces.

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