Friday, September 16, 2011

How to start a business selling Christmas trees?

I am interested in selling Christmas trees, but have no idea where to start or what i need. I have asked a couple of companies for their price-lists, but i want some insight from people that have better knowledge. I have read that you can sell them in your own yard? Is this true? Any information would be helpful. Do i need a license? Permit? Is this a profitable business? I really hope someone can help me. Thanks a lot.|||If your home is zoned as residential, you can't do a commercial business on it. Most Xmas trees are sold in corners of parking lots, where the set up is done as a sort of rental on the parking lot from the store itself. You 'lease' the area and are responsible for your stock and the fencing to keep people from taking off with the things when you're not there.

Really, given all the permits and rules, you'd do FAR better just making wreaths and selling at the Christmas art and craft fairs.|||I would highly recommend the program that I am involved with.For small or home offices,business's, startups, and newbies this has proven to be an excellent (if unexpected) opportunity for hundreds of thousands.Actually, it OVERdelivers. And success, of course, is the bottom line.Anyone can succeed with an all-in-one process, tools, and guidance. Has a no-risk, 30-day money back guarantee. It's a risk-free decision that you can make with confidence and peace of mind.

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