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|||Staying up as late as possible Christmas Eve, we would all go to church and come home and eat sandwiches and cookies and drink tea.
Then my parents would make us go to bed, we could not sleep because we had eaten so much, its the french tradition of reveillion to eat at that time. It comes from a time when people would fast for days before Christmas. Then go to church at midnight, then the fast was over. It makes no sense now but we still do it.
One Love: Your story of you waiting for Santa is so nice, thanks.|||When I was a kid, we would go to the Christmas Eve church service and look at lights afterwards. Then we would come home and all of us kids would get out our sleeping bags and pillows. Christmas Eve night, my whole family (I have 4 siblings) would sleep in the living room together, like a big sleepover. That was always extra special. Since my parents have divorced, a lot of our traditions have fallen by the wayside, but we still spend Christmas Eve night together in the living room, no matter which parent's house we're at! I want to continue that tradition with my kids.|||we also go to church except at midnight and we stay up and drink sparkiling cider and watch movies!!!
we also go to my cousins house and do a gift extange like secret santa and there is always lots of treats and food!
we bake lots of things at my house like cookies brownies cakes and pies and things like that! we always have a huge feast!
and last but not least we open presents and there is always 3 piles for every teen in the family!
dont you just love christmas?|||Well when i was younger and my family actually all got together. For new years we would go out on the porch and bang pots and pans. Now a days it just my mom and I. The family doesnt get together anymore. In fact it's kinda a sad time of year...|||You can find here amazing and unique Christmas gift, that are full of excitement and novelty.
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